Cordeel HQ


Who is C-scan for?

Take a look at the list below and discover the key benefits for your industry.
Cordeel office


We help you to measure the right parameters to create the perfect working environment for your employees. And we find your biggest water and energy hogs so you can make smart decisions to save water, energy and money. 

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Nautilus Residential


You have a portfolio of residential buildings and you'd like to save energy, water and money all while safeguarding your residents' health & safety. C-Scan is the right solution for you.

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Save energy, water and money all while also monitoring health and safety parameters like a patient's movements, indoor air quality (CO2 and particulate matter concentration), light intensity, etc.

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School room


Create a healthy and ideal learning environment with a well-managed light intensity and indoor air quality, all while saving energy, water and money.

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Find the biggest water and energy hogs and take smart decisions to save water, energy and money.

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