Our product range
Discover our product range, feel free to request even more information through info@c-scan.eu.

The Energomaster is our latest product, designed to accurately measure up to 9 consumers or producers it delivers real-time data via Wi-Fi or NB-IoT guaranteeing connection wherever you are. Energomaster is designed to be installed as flexible and fast as possible, allowing everyone to know their consumption and production wherever, whenever.

Airsense CO₂
Airsense CO₂ monitors temperature, humidity and CO₂-levels in a room/building.

Gassense monitors your organization's gas use.
Download the datasheet for EGM7, download the datasheet for EOS6.

The Gateway continually receives the values measured by all paired transmitters and sends these data to the C-scan cloud servers, where they are processed and visualized on the web app.
Download the datasheet for EWG6, download the datasheet for EWG6-C.

Optosense monitiors your organization's energy use by measuring the LED of an existing electricity meter.
Download the datasheet for EEM7-1, download the datasheet for EEM7-OS, download the datasheet for EOS6-OS.